除了大家常聽到的 You are fired! 之外,
9. Zero
zero 當名詞時,為數字「零」,川普則常把 zero 當成形容詞使用,意思為「零的;全無的;沒有的」。
Fascinating to watch people writing books and major articles about me and yet they know nothing about me & have zero access. #FAKE NEWS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2017年9月12日
Fascinating to watch people writing books and major articles about me and yet they know nothing about me & have zero access. #FAKE NEWS! -Donald J. Trump
10. Huge
huge 有「巨大的,龐大的」意思,除了用來形容實物像是 huge house「大房子」 之外也可以用來形容輸贏或是成功,例如:huge success「大獲全勝」。
I promised that my policies would allow companies like Apple to bring massive amounts of money back to the United States. Great to see Apple follow through as a result of TAX CUTS. Huge win for American workers and the USA! https://t.co/OwXVUyLOb1
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年1月17日
I promised that my policies would allow companies like Apple to bring massive amounts of money back to the United States. Great to see Apple follow through as a result of TAX CUTS. Huge win for American workers and the USA!-Donald J. Trump
11. Amazing
amazing 指「非常好的;驚人的;令人驚喜的」,當形容詞使用。當你想要回答某件事「很好啊!」除了 Very good! 之外也可以回答 Amazing!。
Thank you @WVGovernor Jim Justice. It was my great honor to be with the amazing people of West Virginia today! #MAGA pic.twitter.com/IwPuQNadMM
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年4月5日
Thank you @WVGovernor Jim Justice. It was my great honor to be with the amazing people of West Virginia today!-Donald J. Trump
謝謝西佛吉尼亞州州長 Jim Justice,今天能和這些超棒的人相處真是我的榮幸。
12. Rich
rich 為「有錢的;富有的;豐富的」,除了用來形容人很有錢之外,也可以說一個地方的資源豐富,The region is rich in minerals. 「這個地方礦產豐富」。
Received many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together and to get them focused on financial obligations, both present & future. We had a truly great Summit that was inaccurately covered by much of the media. NATO is now strong & rich!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年7月16日
Received many calls from leaders of NATO countries thanking me for helping to bring them together and to get them focused on financial obligations, both present & future. We had a truly great Summit that was inaccurately covered by much of the media. NATO is now strong & rich!-Donald J. Trump
我接到很多北大西洋公約組織 (NATO) 領袖的電話,他們感謝我讓整個組織更團結,也更重視現在和未來的財務義務。很多媒體都錯誤報導,我們開了一個很棒的高峰會。NATO 現在很強壯也很有錢!
13. Winning
winning 的原形為動詞 win 有「贏得;獲勝:成功」之意,而 winning 本身也可以當形容詞,例如:the winning team 指的是「獲勝的隊伍」。
Our Country is doing GREAT. Best financial numbers on the Planet. Great to have USA WINNING AGAIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年7月24日
Our Country is doing GREAT. Best financial numbers on the Planet. Great to have USA WINNING AGAIN!-Donald J. Trump
證據在此!川普其實一點都不了解貿易?(What Donald Trump doesn’t understand about trade)
14. Bad
bad 其實有很多意思,也能用在很多情況中,但基本上是負面的,可以解釋成「不好的;令人不悅的;糟糕的」。
Iran, and it’s economy, is going very bad, and fast! I will meet, or not meet, it doesn’t matter – it is up to them!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年8月4日
Iran, and it’s economy, is going very bad, and fast! I will meet, or not meet, it doesn’t matter – it is up to them!-Donald J. Trump伊朗及其經濟越來越糟糕,而且速度越來越快。我可能會跟他們見面,也可能不會,隨便他們了!
川普的醜聞越演越烈讓普丁坐享其成?(Trump Scandals Are Good for Putin)
15. Moron
moron 為名詞,通常用來罵人無腦,意思是「蠢人;傻子;笨蛋」,和 stupid 相似。
So many people have told me that I should host Meet the Press and replace the moron who is on now. Just too busy, especially next 10 years!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2015年1月27日
So many people have told me that I should host Meet the Press and replace the moron who is on now. Just too busy, especially next 10 years!-Donald J. Trump
16. Classy
classy 有「流行的;時髦的;豪華的」之意,通常用來形容某人非常優雅或高雅。
“@Kakatshozi: Ivanka Trump would be the cutest first daughter in US history if DonaldTrump became president! Elegant,classy and adorable.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2015年4月17日
@Kakatshozi: Ivanka Trump would be the cutest first daughter in US history if DonaldTrump became president! Elegant,classy and adorable.-Donald J. Trump
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文/ Hsiang Lan Lee
圖/ Pexels , Twitter
資料來源/ Viral Thread
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