111 學測大變革!
閱讀測驗在大學入學考試英文科中的比重超過三分之一,而自 111 學年度起,新制學測的英文科題型仍會持續注重考生的閱讀與寫作能力,除原有的選擇題與非選擇題,將出現新的混合題型,目的在於希望學生將英文與生活情境做結合,將所學之英文單字與技能應用於日常生活,也因此新制學測的英文閱讀混合題型更加注重考生理解、統整與彙整大量英文資訊的能力,搭配邏輯思考與推理等其他核心能力,呼應新課綱的教育精神。本篇文章將帶你認識什麼是混合題型?解題技巧有哪些?並提供實際演練題型與解析,幫助你更快速掌握新制學測的英文閱讀測驗。
混合題型為英文閱讀的第二部分,由 180~400 字的短文與題組組合而成,包含多種作答方式,如選擇題、表格填充,或簡答題。混合式題型主要用於評量考生的詞彙量、語意及文法的理解程度,是否可以掌握文章大綱以及欲表達的重要訊息,及是否可以藉由考題提供的提示,加以分析、比較、推理,因而找出適合的答案。
- 解題撇步 1:閱讀問題,尋找問題解答
- 解題撇步 2:判斷時態(現在式、過去式、未來式)
英文時態考題也是混合題頻繁出現的形式,在閱讀短文時,考生應注意動詞的變化時態,通常一段短文的動詞時態皆會一致,除非出現明確的時間詞,例如 now, tomorrow, next week, next month 等,則依照其句子提供的提示,考生可以選出相對應的動詞時態。
- 解題撇步 3:理解完整語意後,劃出解答重點
- 解題撇步 4:注意 5 W 1 H
5 W 包括 Who(人)、What(物)、When(時間)、Where(地點)、Why(原因)、1 H 則是指 How(如何),閱讀題組時注意提及這幾個元素的敘述也可以幫助自己在之後作答時更快理解文章內容。
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It is an appealing idea that some foods are unhealthy, some healthy, and some super-healthy. About 61% of British people reported buying foods because they were supposed superfoods, according to a 2014 survey. But what are superfoods? Are they really so good for our health?
Currently, kale is one of the coolest superfoods around. Kale, a very common vegetable, has grown in northern Europe, and plenty of other places, for thousands of years. Its nutrition is similar to that of cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Is kale significantly better than other vegetables? Fans of superfoods like to list the things that kale contains a lot of, such as iron and vitamins, and point out what those things do (make red blood cells). But that doesn’t mean your body gets superpowers if you eat more than you need, especially if you’re already getting enough from other sources. It is like trying to make your car go faster by putting in more petrol. No good evidence shows that eating plenty of fruit and vegetables with kale is any better than eating plenty of them without.
❶Another example is chia seeds. ❷One hundred grams of chia seeds contain about 17g of Omega-3s, about eight times as much as salmon. ❸However, the Omega-3s in chia seeds are different from the ones in fish. ❹Our body turns the chia kind into the fish kind very inefficiently, meaning that you will actually absorb less. ❺Nor is it easy to eat a full 100g of chia seeds, which contain 486 Calories, almost as much as a Big Mac. ❻So fish is definitely a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids for you, which help to protect against cardiovascular disease. ❼But there is little evidence to suggest the health benefits from chia seeds.
Indeed, good nutrition helps the body fight against diseases. The truth, however, is that nutrition is fabulously complex, different for everybody, and mostly mysterious. We know that if you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, you don’t need any superfood. And if you don’t, no superfood will save you.
1. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the author’s attitude towards the health benefits of superfoods?
(A) Doubtful. (B) Optimistic. (C) Objective. (D) Frustrated.
2. The sentences in paragraph 3 are numbered ❶ to ❼. Which sentence best indicates the author’s attitude toward chia seeds? Write down the NUMBER of the sentence on the answer sheet.
3. What does the author mean by saying “… if you don’t” in the last paragraph?
It means “… if you don’t ____________________________________ , no superfood will save you.”
4. Fill in the blanks with the information contained in the passage about kale and chia seeds.
nutrient(s) | benefit(s) of the nutrient(s) | |
kale | iron and vitamins |
chia seeds |
protect against cardiovascular disease |
解答:1. (A) 2. ❼ 3. eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise
nutrient(s) | benefit(s) of the nutrient(s) | |
kale | iron and vitamins | make red blood cells |
chia seeds | Omega 3s/Omega-3 fatty acids
protect against cardiovascular disease |
1. 在第一段最後,作者提到 “But what are superfoods? Are they really so good for our health?”,整篇文章裡作者都表示自己對於這些 superfoods 是否對人體有益感到懷疑,故選 (A) Doubtful (懷疑的)。
2. 題目詢問選項 ❶ 到 ❼ 的選項裡哪一個最能表現作者對 chia seeds(奇亞籽)的態度,從選項裡當中仔細思考,選擇 ❼but there is little evidence to suggest the health benefits from chia seeds,作者表示現在能夠證明奇亞籽有健康效果的證據依舊相當不足。
3. 這題要注意的部分是 if you don’t 那句的前一句話,we know that if you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, you don’t need any superfood,再仔細觀察題目那句 and if you don’t, no superfood will save you。根據以上這兩句我們可以知道當人們選擇均衡飲食蔬果及規律運動的好習慣,就不需要超級食物的幫助。但倘若無法付諸實行,超級食物也救不了你。也就是說這裡的 if you don’t 指的是應該是若你「不均衡飲食、規律運動」(if you don’t eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise)。
4. 左下空格見第三段的 ❷,右上空格則要參考第二段 fans of superfoods like to list the things that kale contains a lot of, such as iron and vitamins, and point out what those things do (make red blood cells),因此可知道 kale(羽衣甘藍)內含的鐵跟維他命可以負責製造紅血球。
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