- Brunch (n.) 早午餐
Brunch 一詞最早起源於英國,是 breakfast 與 lunch 兩個單字的組合,供應時間通常也是介於兩餐之間,為早上 11 點到下午 2 點。在國外最常見是以自助吧或是套餐的形式,通常也會搭配低酒精飲料無限供應,因此計費方式多以人頭計算。
Let’s go out for brunch this Sunday!
- Lunch (n.) 午餐
午餐時段一般設定為中午 12 點到下午 2 點前。部分餐廳會將營業時間分為午餐與晚餐時段,提供不同的餐點選擇,並且在兩個時段間不對外營業。在解題時,清楚掌握餐廳的營業時間與供餐時間,就能避開題目中各種關於時間點的陷阱。
I have a business lunch today. The meeting is to discuss potential cooperation.
- Dinner (n.) 晚餐
晚餐時段一般為下午 5 點到晚間 10點左右,依據餐廳的性質都會特別標明供餐或提供外送的時段。針對午餐與晚餐時段不同的餐點項目,也容易成為題型中的考點。
Where should we go for dinner on our anniversary night?
- Lunch specials (n.) 午間特餐
Specials 在菜單中表示「精選特餐」的意思,通常會依照季節或是不定即地依照餐廳提供的優惠更換。
The restaurant’s lunch special comes with a side dish and a dessert of your choice.
- Appetizer (n.) 餐前開胃小點/Starter (n.) 開胃菜,前菜
Let’s order some appetizers to share.
- Main dish/course (n.) 主餐,主菜
Our main course today is seafood or beef. Which one would you prefer?
- Platter (n.) 拼盤
The meat platter for 2 includes BBQ beef briskets, pork ribs, pastrami burnt ends, and fried wings.
- Side(s)/side dish (n.) 配菜,附餐
I will go for cut fries and kale for my side dishes.
- Dessert (n.) 甜點
Would you like some ice cream for dessert?
- Vegetarian (n.) 素食者;素食的
Is there any vegetarian option available on the menu?
- Reservation (n.) 訂位
每個餐廳都有各自的預約政策與管道。在許多法式料理餐廳或是日式台前料理,僅能接受事前訂位並支付訂金的方式。與訂位相反而直接到餐廳詢問空桌的,則稱為 walk-in。
Can I make a reservation for next Friday night?
- Opening hours (n.) 營業時間
餐廳除了會詳載每週營業日與營業時間外,更會特別註明最後點餐時間(last order)。表示在最後點餐時間過後,客人還是可以繼續坐到打烊,但是廚房已經關閉不再接受加點。所以即使自己是在營業時間內抵達,但是超過了最後點餐時間的話,餐廳一樣還是無法提供餐點,就只能敗興而歸囉。
Our opening hours are from 5 to 10 p.m. from Tuesday to Saturday.
我們的營業時間是週二至週六下午 5 點至晚上 10 點。
Questions 1 to 4 refer to the following menu:
Luke’s Steakhouse Menu
Types of Meals | Special | Price | Dietary Options |
Lunch Special | Confit Duck Leg | $38 | |
Lunch Classic | Steak Frites (200g Striploin) | $58 | |
Dinner Special | Charred Zucchini & Burrata | $45 | Vegetarian option |
Platter to share | Meat Platter (for 2) | $108 | |
Platter to share | Seafood Roast Platter (for 3) | $140 | Pescatarian option |
Lunch: Tuesday – Friday 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Last Order 1PM)
Dinner: Tuesday – Saturday 5 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. (Last Order 9:30 p.m.)
Closed on Monday & Sunday
- Which option is the most expensive for one person?
(A) Steak Frites
(B) Charred Zucchini & Burrata
(C) Seafood Roast Platter for 3 to share
(D) Meat Platter for 2 to share - Which is incorrect?
(A) I can order a confit duck leg on Friday at 12:30 p.m.
(B) The meat platter is portioned for 2 people to share.
(C) We can order a seafood platter for 3 friends to share for Saturday lunch.
(D) The only vegetarian option is charred zucchini & burrata. - How can we make a booking?
(A) through website
(B) through social media
(C) through text message
(D) No booking is required - If I only have 50 dollars, which option will be too expensive for me?
(A) Confit Duck Leg
(B) Charred Zucchini & Burrata
(C) Seafood Roast Platter for 3 to share
(D) Meat Platter for 2 to share
1. 考驗簡單算術能力搭配菜單價格的理解程度,在菜單中可以多人分享的拼盤都能平分價格(海鮮拼盤一人 $46.6、肉類拼盤一人 $54)。於是單價最高的即為選項(A)的牛排 $58
2. 考題問哪一個為「不正確」的描述,可以使用刪去法做題。除了需要掌握菜單內容,還需搭配餐點供應時間與餐廳營業時間。選項(C)前半段描述正確,海鮮拼盤可以三人平分。但是星期六中午非餐廳營業時段,因此該描述錯誤。
3. 這題問預約訂位的方式,下方描述的第一句話即註名「餐廳採訂位制,訂位需要透過網站或電話」,所以只有選項(A)正確
4. 這裡同樣考驗簡單算術能力搭配菜單價格的理解程度,只要選項價格高於 $50 即超出預算。(C)、(D)選項在平分後,海鮮拼盤一人 $46.6、肉類拼盤一人 $54,則肉類拼盤超出題目中 $50 元預算。
Questions 5 to 7 refer to the following advertisement:
Blue Label Pizza
Enjoy a concise menu of premium salads and snacks along with our acclaimed stone-fired pizza. We also provide an extensive selection of pizza and snacks to cater to your dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan or pescatarian). Feel free to ask our staff for recommendations! We also curated a thoughtful wine list featuring many of the world’s top producers, served by our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We are small in size but big in spirit and look forward to welcoming you with gracious hospitality and delicious bites.
Opening Hours & Reservations
Tue to Sun 12 p.m. till 11 p.m. (Last order 10 p.m.)
Due to our intimate size, we accept reservations exclusively through the booking link on our website. Walk-ins are welcome, and we’re happy to put your name on our waitlist if no tables are free. Bar seating is always available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- What kind of food does the restaurant sell?
(A) Bar snacks and cocktails
(B) Traditional Italian cuisine
(C) Stone-fired pizza and wines
(D) Mexican food and Craft beers - Which dietary restriction option might not be offered here?
(A) Vegan
(B) Gluten-free
(C) Pescatarian
(D) Vegetarian
- Which is incorrect?
(A) We can make a reservation through a phone call.
(B) Bar seats are not for reservation.
(C) We can go without a reservation on a Wednesday night.
(D) We have to arrive before 10pm to order.
Ans.: (C),(B),(A)
1. 這題考驗考生尋找關鍵字的能力與對於介紹段落的理解,從餐廳名稱跟第一句的介紹即可找到答案為(C)窯烤Pizza,並搭配後續強調該餐廳經猜挑選的葡萄酒單。
2. 根據介紹文,餐廳提供素食(蛋奶素)、純素、魚素的選項,所以(B)的無麩質選項可能沒有提供。
3. 考題問哪一個為「不正確」的描述,可以使用刪去法做題。在第二段描述的第二句話中,特別註明該餐廳「僅提供網路訂位」,所以(A)描述錯誤。
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