Besides 和 beside 只差一個 s,
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Besides 作介係詞,表「除了…」
Besides 在這個用法之下,需注意後方要直接搭配名詞。它可以表示「排除、不包含」,except for 用法相同。Besides 也可以用來表達「除了…另外還…」,用法同 in addition to,但較 in addition to 不正式、拘謹。
Everyone in my class besides (= except for) me went on the field trip.
Besides (= In addition to) the promotion, Emma also won the respect of the office because of how she led her team against a public relations crisis.
由於 Emma 有效領導團隊處理了公關危機,她不但獲得了升遷,還贏得了辦公室所有人的敬重。
What did you do during your trip to Hokkaido besides skiing?
Besides 作副詞,表「而且」
Besides 表示「而且,此外」時,通常會放在句首,意思及用法類似 in addition 和 moreover,差別在於 besides 語氣較為輕鬆,也較口語化。要注意,副詞 besides 用以補充、附加另外一個論點時,通常會搭配前文使用,較少單獨出現。
A: Oh, my God! Sean is so handsome and dreamy!
B: I know, right? Besides, he’s kind to everyone. He is totally my type!
A:天啊!Sean 又帥又迷人!
I can’t go to your party tonight. I’ve still got a lot of work to do; besides, I have to get up early tomorrow to catch a flight.
Beside 作介係詞,表「在…旁邊」
Beside 為介係詞時,後方需接名詞,用於表示「在…旁邊;在…一旁」,意思和用法與 next to 雷同,差別在於 next to 較為口語用法,正式場合建議使用 beside。
The woman in pink standing beside the president is the First Lady.
The stadium is right beside the student activities center.
Beside 作介係詞,表「與…相比」
除了用來描述實體位置外,介係詞 beside 還可以比喻「抽象的相對比較」,表示「與…相比」。此時 beside 的意思和用法與 compared to 相同,後面需直接加上名詞。
All my troubles seem so small beside the problems you are facing right now.
The essays she writes seem more mature beside the works of her classmates.
Beside the point 離題
名詞 point 可以表示「論點;要點」。片語 beside the point 字面上直翻的意思是「在論點/要點旁邊」,表示偏離了討論主題、不在重點上,也就是形容「離題、不相關」或是「不重要」。要特別注意此片語使用的介系詞是 beside,可別說成 besides the point 囉!
Yes, you are good at singing the Happy Birthday song, but that’s beside the point. We are talking about how to surprise Sabrina now.
對啦,你很會唱生日快樂歌沒錯,但這已經離題了。我們現在在討論要怎麼給 Sabrina 一個驚喜。
I know you didn’t mean to hurt her, but that is beside the point. The point is, you have to apologize and make it up to her.
沒想到 besides 只比 beside 多了一個 s ,意思竟然差這麼多!其實,只要記得「beside 是介係詞,表示『在…旁邊』或是『與…相比』;besides 是介係詞也是副詞,表示『除了…』以及『而且』」,就不容易出錯啦!
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The post Besides 和 beside 大不同!快來搞懂差別和用法,再也不出錯! appeared first on VoiceTube 英文學習部落格:教你學英文的好方法.