Time waits for no man—歲月不待人,
better late than never
A: Oh no, I totally forgot about my dad’s birthday!
B: Go buy him a cake now; it’s better late than never.
A: 噢不,我完全忘記爸爸的生日了!
B: 現在去幫他買塊蛋糕吧,雖然遲了一點但比什麼都不做好。
超暖心!千萬不要以貌取人 (Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover – Storytime)
a race against time
這句慣用法字面上翻譯成「和時間賽跑」,也就是「時間緊迫因此得動作快」的意思;也可以用 to race against time 的動詞片語用法。另一個同義的用語是 be pressed for time。
Rescuing people after an earthquake is often a race against time with very limited resources.
Do you mind if I hail a taxi? We’re a bit pressed for time.
at all times
at all times 這句片語解釋為「隨時」,用來描述某個長期的狀態,或是某件事情時時刻刻都在發生,同義字為 always;不過不要跟另一個片語 at times 搞混,at times 其實就等同於 sometimes,指「有時候」。另外補充與 at all times 意思相反的片語 at no time,意思是「絕對不要;從來沒有」,等同於 never、under no circumstances。 而 in no time 則是指「馬上、立即」。
I wanted to keep my puppy company at all times after he went through the surgery.
At no time should you be on your phone while crossing the road.
為什麼談戀愛不該欲擒故縱!? (Why girls shouldn’t play hard to get)【
(to have) a day in the sun
這句話的字面上或許像在指大白天,但實際上 a day in the sun 意近於 in/under the spotlight (位在聚光燈下) ,也就是指「受到眾人關注」的時候,因此 to have a day in the sun 可以用來描述某人或某件事物「備受賞識;功成名就」。
Don’t give up just yet. I believe your work will have its day in the sun someday.
to make the big time
當你說某個人 make/hit the big time,意思是恭賀對方「表現一流;極為成功」。這個字還可以用複合形容詞的形式 big-time,意指「出類拔萃的」人或物。
She hit the big time after playing the lead role in a best-selling musical.
He graduated from a prestigious law school, gained years of work experience, and eventually became a big-time lawyer.
on the spur of the moment
spur 當名詞時指的是「馬刺」,但更常當動詞使用,解釋為「激勵、鞭策」。而 on the spur of the moment 這句慣用語的意思就是「受時勢所趨;一時興起」,並且有時會帶有「衝動行事」的負面意涵。意思相近的慣用語還有 on a whim、on impulse。
We decided to go on this trip on the spur of the moment, so everything was booked last minute.
to beat the clock
clock 除了指「時鐘」,還可以指比賽時的「限定時間」,而動詞 beat 則有「擊敗」的意思,因此這句表達法就翻譯成「搶時間;在時限之前達成任務」。另一句慣用語 to work against the clock 意思也相近。
He ditched his bad habit of procrastination years ago; now he attempts to beat the clock for almost every task.
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文/ Jessie Huang
圖/ Canva, CC licensed
來源/ 85 Sayings About Time
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語
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